Millenial Lifestyle

Thoughts After the Women’s March

Thoughts After the Women’s March

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So here is how I express my feminism. I have decided to be unapologetically happy. I will love myself unconditionally. I will not be shaped, defined, or moved by the patriarch’s opinion on who I should or shouldn’t be.

Millennial Commandment IV: Thou Shalt Have a Side Hustle

Millennial Commandment IV: Thou Shalt Have a Side Hustle

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I truly believe that you can’t be free if you are working for someone else. (And you all know how important freedom is to me.) As I have gotten older, my side hustles have helped me have more freedom with my finances, time, and travel. 

Need Less: My Journey to Minimalism

Need Less: My Journey to Minimalism

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My definition of minimalism is simple: it is the art of needing less. Less clothes. Less shoes. Less space. And less from the external environment to make you happy. It’s creating a life that isn’t driven by the pursuit of things, but instead is driven by purpose, happiness, and love. 

Four Ways Millennials Redefine Life

Four Ways Millennials Redefine Life

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As millennials, we reject conventional wisdom.  We create lives that are built around our lifestyles of traveling, food, family and fun. Not around our careers. We want to live our dream lives now, not when we retire.

Quit. Go Ahead. It's Okay.

Quit. Go Ahead. It's Okay.

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What I didn’t realize then, is that by not quitting, I was failing. I was failing to put myself first. I was failing to follow my dreams. I was failing at having enough confidence to walk in my own path. I had to learn the difference between necessary and unnecessary quitting.