
Living Fearless: FOX News Segment

Living Fearless: FOX News Segment

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What makes fear particularly dangerous is that it is driven by beliefs and not by fact. Beliefs are inherently biased, flawed, and situational. Beliefs are shaped by your experiences, your culture, and your community. 

The Natural Hair Movement Failed Me

 The Natural Hair Movement Failed Me

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Although I was late to the natural hair movement, when I discovered it in 2013, I thought I had found the golden grail. All I needed to do was co-wash my tresses, use protective styles, and take some hair vitamins, and I too could have thick curly hair. All of my hair problems would be solved.

Breaking Out of My Box

Breaking Out of My Box

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I was in a box. I had a certain standard to uphold. A certain image to maintain. But, I was tired of trying to live my life within the parameters of these boxes. My boxes were literally starting to suffocate me.